The head of Production Department shall be adequately trained and possess good practical experience and adequate knowledge in manufacturing traditional medicines and health supplements, which can enable to perform his functions effectively.
The head of production department shall have full authority and responsibilities to manage production of products covering operations, equipment, production personnel, production area and records.
The head of the production department generally has the following responsibilities:
- to ensure those products are manufactured and stored according to the appropriate documentation in order to obtain the required quality;
- to approve the instructions relating to production operations, including the in-process controls and to ensure their strict implementation;
- to ensure that the production records are evaluated and signed by a designated person before they are made available to the Quality Control Department;
- to check the maintenance of the department, premises and equipment;
- to ensure that the critical processes are appropriately verified;
- to ensure that the required initial and continuing training of production personnel is carried out and adapted according to need;