Normally once the product is delivered to the customer it is assumed that the customer will take responsibility for the product the point of receipt. If the product is supplied to a wholesaler, it very much depends on who owns the product, if the wholesaler has purchased the goods, then they should take responsibility. However, if the product at the wholesalers belongs to the QP’s company, then the QP continues to have the responsibility for the goods whilst at the wholesaler. The responsibility for the product at each stage of its life cycle should be clearly defined in the internal procedures, and where external parties involved (e.g. wholesalers) in the Technical (Quality) Agreement between the company and the wholesaler. It is possible for the QP to delegate this responsibility to the RP at the wholesaler, but this must be clearly defined (including the limitation which may apply) in the technical agreement. Please note that the QP retains the responsibility for recall of the products in the market place as well as ensuring that any product complaints have been fully investigated and appropriate corrective actions have been taken.